Thursday, 7 August 2014

PNG Nature - Papuan Frogmouths

Say "Gude" to the Papuan Frogmouth, a bird that is a native of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Australia.

"Are you lookin' at me?"
Picture: spiceoflifetravel c/o TripAdvisor

The frogmouth may not be as pretty as the Kumul bird of paradise that graces the PNG flag, but it's not the most ugly bird in the world either*. Instead the Frogmouth's appeal is in it's rumoured method for catching prey which (if true) mean it is an awesomely lazy energy conserving creature.

While it can move from tree to tree catching small lizards, frogs and rodents it is suggested that it's also able to lie in wait for insects who simply fly into its open beak. Apparently it manages this by having a sort of intriguing halitosis that attracts bugs on the look-out for food. Instead of finding a tasty meal, the insects become one as the frogmouth closes it's huge mouth. Superbly efficient for the bird, a little bit disappointing for the bug.

If you think the Papuan Frogmouth looks smug you could be right - If I could attract pizza to my mouth just by opening it, I'd be pretty smug too!

For more pictures of the frogmouth visit

*The accolade of ugliest bird surely belongs to the Frogmouth's cousin the hilarious Potoo from South America (go ahead and have a look, it's worth it!)

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